You can Access the report via this link CSR – Turkey, UPS, World Economic Forum, and US Chamber of Commerce developed the Project named Sağlam KOBİ means “Robust Small Business”. The project aims to prepare small businesses to disasters. The Project provides online disaster preparedness toolkit and onsite disaster preparedness trainings for SMEs. The Corporate Sustainability Report of UPS not only presents Project but also views of President of CSR-Turkey as one of the key global stakeholders of UPS. We do believe appearing with a solid Project partnership at UPS Corporate Sustainability Report as CSR-Turkey reflects a key success story.
CSR Turkey supports CSR Europe’s Deploy Your Talents Programme in Turkey in order to increase Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) awareness among teachers, students and private sector. In this respect with the collaboration of CSR Turkey, PepsiCo Turkey and Republic of Turkey Ministry of Development Southeastern Anatolia Project Regional Development Administration, 11 participants who are teachers in Cheetos Development Centers in Southeastern Anatolia, had Train of Trainers on 12-13 June 2014 at Kadir Has University Istanbul. Teachers got trained on what is STEM, the importance of STEM, examples from the World, Europe and Turkey and how they can implement STEM in their lessons. The organizations who also contributed to the training are: Kadir Has University, Frito-Lay, EğlenBilim (enjoyScience), IBM Turkey and Science Heroes Association. The project will continue on September with a Science Day organized for students in Southeastern Anatolia.
EMPLOYEE SAFETY IS ONLY SUPPORTED BY COMPANIES WHO HAVE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY STRATEGIES! Corporate Social Responsibility Association of Turkey: Working conditions are getting worse day by day and companies’ working conditions are not competent in terms of preparation for risks and catastrophes. Corporate Social Responsibility Association of Turkey which defines CSR as a work that needs to be done properly and with great care made a declaration about the coal mine disaster in Turkey. Serdar Dinler, the president of Corporate Social Responsibility Association of Turkey and the board member of Corporate Social Responsibility Europe, says “Turkey with the objective of being in top 10 economies, must change working conditions in accordance with the level of the contemporary civilization and accord companies’ social responsibility strategies with working process. Serdar Dinler states that improvements in working conditions are handled with a perspective of human rights and Europe wants to see companies in their…
CSR Europe’s mission is to connect companies to share best practices on CSR and innovate with peers to shape the business and political agenda on sustainability and competitiveness in Europe. Practically, through the Enterprise 2020 initiative, CSR Europe fosters collaboration, innovative practical action to shape the business contribution to the European Union’s Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. CSR Europe Supports companies in building sustainable competitiveness by providing a platform for innovation Fosters close cooperation between companies and their stakeholders by exploring new ways of working together to create a sustainable future Strengthens Europe’s global leadership on CSR by engaging with EU institutions and a wider range of international players
Place: Kadir Has University – Cibali Campus/ Istanbul Date: 15 May 2014 Number of Participants and Profiles: 30 NGOs and their representatives from Turkey and 200 special guest stakeholders from the student community, civil society, business sector, and representatives ofthe public sector. The Corporate Social Responsibility Academy, a joint project of Kadir Has University and the Corporate Social Responsibility Association ofTurkey, organizes the 6th NGO Days event on 1 5 May 201A with the theme of”NGOs, Branding and Tech nology”. The sustainability of NGOs is highly related with the work they do (both in terms of content and geographical area) and the success in creating societal transformation in a positive way. In order to meet their objectives, NGOs have to contact effectively with the community and their stakeholders. NGOs should share their values, goals, activities, and their approach with the community. They also need to carefully assess their stakeholders, do stakeholder engagement and…
(Brussels, 20 March) Today, CSR Europe launched its European Business Campaign on Sustainable Living in Cities to motivate and equip a network of more than 5000 companies to build more strategic alliances between business and cities. The campaign will work towards advancing solutions for sustainable living in cities for citizens and consumers and encourage companies to make supply more sustainable. At the launch event supported by CSR Europe member companies Hitachi and Pirelli, CSR Europe’s pan-European network of companies shared a compelling business case for Sustainable Living in Cities with urban stakeholders. Over fifty Marketplace exhibitors provided examples of existing best practice and innovative projects that have already been undertaken in this field. The Campaign was broadly endorsed by business operators and high-level speakers including, among others, Klaus Dieter Rennert, Chief Executive for Europe of Hitachi, Ltd.. Speaking on empowering citizens and companies to create more sustainability, he…
Türkiye Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Derneği (TKSSD) tarafından düzenlenen “KSS Çözümleri Pazaryeri” etkinliği bu yıl geçtiğimiz yıl olduğu gibi “İşletme 2023; Cumhuriyetin 100. Yılında Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk” başlığı ile 21 Aralık 2012 tarihinde Kadir Has Üniversitesi’nde gerçekleştirildi.
“İşletme 2023; Cumhuriyetin 100. Yılında Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk” başlığı ile gerçekleştirilen etkinlikte ülke genelinde seçilen 21 şirketin sosyal sorumluluk projeleri değerlendirildi. Etkinliği 700 üzerinde katılımcı ziyaret etti.
“Sosyal Sorumluluk Kültürü” temasıyla gerçekleştirilen etkinlikte 15 şirketin sosyal sorumluluk projeleri değerlendirildi.
Avrupa’da 2005 yılından bu yana gerçekleştirilen ve büyük ilgi gören KSS Çözümleri Pazaryeri etkinliği Türkiye’de ilk kez Türkiye Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Derneği tarafından 2009 yılında hayata geçirildi.