Mr Serdar Dinler, the Chairman of CSR Association of Turkey, is among “the Top 100 #CorporateSocialResponsibility Influence Leaders”! The Top 100 Corporate Social Responsibility Influence Leaders List which independently researched by Lucas Taylor, University of Notre Dame MBA and LDT Consulting, on behalf of Assent Compliance was published. Details;
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The biggest problem facing the world in the next decade is predicted to be insufficient sustainable resources. As Corporate Social Responsibility Association of Turkey, we believe that beyond the efforts that institutions alone can make for sustainable development; priorities of the ecosystem and what to do with stakeholders should be determined. For this purpose, it is important for the whole world to decide on the steps to be taken in the future in the name of protecting the existing resources. The 9th Corporate Social Responsibility Marketplace, which hosted the Sustainable Development Academy Awards, was held in Istanbul on 30 November 2017 with the theme “Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Goals”. What can be done to achieve future sustainable development goals were evaluated in the 9th Corporate Social Responsibility Marketplace at the sectoral and global level. The event created exhibition spaces in the Marketplace that allow participants to share their corporate…
European Business Leader Perceptions of the Sustainable Development Goals Business leaders share their views on how European companies are engaging on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Click for the infographic. Click for the report.
“Changemakers in the Eastern Neighbourhood and the Mediterranean South” 13 – 18 June 2017 Odessa, Ukraine The Center for International and European Studies (CIES) at Kadir Has University held the 7th International Neighbourhood Symposium (INS) in the lively and historic Black Sea town of Odessa between Tuesday, 13 June and Sunday, 18 June 2017. This year’s Symposium focused on “Changemakers in the Eastern Neighbourhood and the Mediterranean South”. It organized in cooperation with local partners: UA: Ukraine Analytica and the Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism”. The setting: The INS focuses principally on the Eastern Neighbourhood and the Mediterranean South, two regions that are shared neighborhoods of the European Union, its member states, the Russian Federation, and Turkey. While each region is distinct with its own historical, political, social, cultural and economic features; their contiguity implies a number of synergies and shared experiences on a variety of themes ranging from systemic dynamics to societal prerogatives. The INS aims…
Organized by Corporate Social Responsibility Association of Turkey, Enteprise 2023 Summit took place on Friday, December 16, 2016 at Hilton Istanbul Bosphorus. Bringing private sector, public institutions and NGOs together, The Summit covered the the issues like unemployment, climate changes, scarcity of resources, financial crises and risk of demographic shifts which are among the most serious problems nowadays.
We continue our reports with “Skills Gap Research In Information Technology Sector”. To access the report please visit the link; Skills Gap Research In Information Technology Sector
Millions of personal computers sit idly on desks and in homes worldwide. As they wait, every hour hundreds of people contract and die from infectious diseases. While computer owners run their screen savers, millions die from hunger, or environmental disasters devastate whole communities. What if each of the worlds estimated 1 billion computers could be linked to focus on humanity’s most pressing issues? To make this vision a reality, CSR Turkey has become a partner of World Community Grid, joining the IBM Corporation and a group of more than 400 companies, associations, foundations, nonprofits, government agencies and academic institutions. CSR Turkey is encouraging members of the community to contribute their idle PC time to assist humanitarian research by joining World Community Grid at and becoming a member of the CSR Turkey team. World Community Grid uses grid technology to establish a permanent, flexible infrastructure that provides researchers with a…
Enterprise 2020 Manifesto has been announced at Last Call for Europe 2020 Conference in Expo Milan on 19 June 2015. Corporate Social Responsibility Association of Turkey (CSR Turkey), CSR Europe’s national partner organization, signed the manifesto to be integrated and spread around Turkey in coming 5 years. 3 Strategic Direction Make employability and inclusiona priority across boards, management and value chains. Stimulate companies to engage as committed partners with communities, cities and regions to develop and implement new sustainable production methods, consumption and livelihoods. Put transparency and respect for human rights at the heart of business conduct. Please click for Enterprise 2020 Manifesto Press Bulletin Please click for Enterprise 2020 Manifesto