Change the World… with Your Computer, CSR Turkey Joins World Community Grid

Millions of personal computers sit idly on desks and in homes worldwide. As they wait, every hour hundreds of people contract and die from infectious diseases. While computer owners run their screen savers, millions die from hunger, or environmental disasters devastate whole communities. What if each of the worlds estimated 1 billion computers could be linked to focus on humanity’s most pressing issues?

To make this vision a reality, CSR Turkey has become a partner of World Community Grid, joining the IBM Corporation and a group of more than 400 companies, associations, foundations, nonprofits, government agencies and academic institutions. CSR Turkey is encouraging members of the community to contribute their idle PC time to assist humanitarian research by joining World Community Grid at and becoming a member of the CSR Turkey team.

World Community Grid uses grid technology to establish a permanent, flexible infrastructure that provides researchers with a readily available pool of computational power that can be used to solve problems plaguing humanity. Grid technology joins together many individual computers, creating a large system with massive computational power that far exceeds the power of a few supercomputers. Importantly, World Community Grid is easy and safe to use.

To join, individuals should go to and simply download and install a free, small software program on their computers. When idle, your computers request data from World Community Grid’s server. Computers then perform computations using this data, send the results back to the server and prompt it for a new piece of work.

” World Community Grid offers an efficiently and effective way our busy members of the community to create awareness on issues related to the epidemics which threaten humanity. As part of our efforts to enrich the lives of our communities, we want everyone to join World Community Grid . ” (Serdar Dinler, President, Corporate Social Responsibility Association of Turkey)

Today, hundreds of thousand of volunteers around the globe are donating some of the time when their computers are on but not in use, and World Community Grid is harnessing this power to help advance promising humanitarian research projects. Results on critical health issues have already been achieved, demonstrating World Community Grid’s potential to make significant inroads on a great range of future projects that can benefit the world.

You can start making a difference today. Please go to and become a member today and then join our team.

Join World Community Grid as part of theĀ 

CSR Turkey team today!

csr turkey world community grid


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