Project will build an interactive arena both for employers in need of IT experts, Turkish citizens and Syrian refugees who are qualified enough to take part in employment arena in Turkey through training on coding given by Powercoders and being introduced to companies as interns with the aim of getting secure and permanent jobs. The project has set up a coding academy in Istanbul as a first boot camp.
We have developed a blueprint that is based on the following 4 pillars:
• Recruiting motivated and qualified potential talent
• Teach IT and cultural basics during a 13-week boot-camp
• Offer a 6 to 12-month internship
• Support them with a coaching program until they will be hired
By the end of the project, there will be training, internship and networking opportunities by increasing social and economic inclusion of the refugees and Turkish citizens.
Meanwhile, this project offers a sophisticated and sustainable solution both for the IT needs of companies and economic participation of refugees in addition to aiming reducing social welfare costs of the state.