Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) awareness and training studies, especially applied in the textile sector in recent years in Turkey, encourage suppliers in the sector to develop innovative solutions by developing different perspectives.
At the beginning of the processes leading to responsible entrepreneurship, the vendors are responsible for following the responsible procurement policies of the brands and choosing the responsible ones when choosing the products. In this era where different stakeholder groups and collaborations are important, the Corporate Social Responsibility Association of Turkey is also part of an innovative project to promote responsible practices in clothing and footwear production: RESPECT
Supported by the European Union Leonardo da Vinci Program, the RESPECT project aims to improve the company’s supplier and procurement processes and to develop creative methods and tools for the buyer to improve the effects on labor standards. The two-year pilot project, which started in November 2011 and lasted until October 2013, aimed to produce different solutions by collaborating with stakeholders (buyer-supplier-consumer) and sharing good practices.
The partners involved in this project are Switzerland, France and Belgium, which will transfer innovation to Bulgaria and Turkey as follows: Fair Labor Association, New Age, Gibor Alfa (Turkey), BILSP (Bulgaria), ESCEM (France) Social Responsibility Association, Limelight and MAC-Team (Belgium)