”Soma” Press Release (Demo)


Corporate Social Responsibility Association of Turkey: Working conditions are getting worse day by day and companies’ working conditions are not competent in terms of preparation for risks and catastrophes.

Corporate Social Responsibility Association of Turkey which defines CSR as a work that needs to be done properly and with great care made a declaration about the coal mine disaster in Turkey. Serdar Dinler, the president of Corporate Social Responsibility Association of Turkey and the board member of Corporate Social Responsibility Europe,  says “Turkey with the objective of being in top 10 economies, must change working conditions in accordance with the level of the contemporary civilization and accord companies’ social responsibility strategies with working process.

Serdar Dinler states that improvements in working conditions are handled with a perspective of human rights and Europe wants to see companies in their “2020 Companies Strategies” as corporate responsible citizens. Dinler underlining the Turkey’s success in Economic Growth in last 10 years also states that increasing SMEs and suppliers in this growing economy  are growing but working conditions, union rights and employee safety are neglected which are vital issues in order to have a balanced growth. In this context, a lot more people die in the workplaces because of working conditions and work risks than those who lose their lives in wars.

“Companies must be social responsible and well prepared for disasters in order for Turkey to grow economically.”

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