The project ”Accelerating Corporate Social Responsibility in the Black Sea Region” is being implemented in collaboration with the Corporate Social Responsibility Association of Turkey & Armenian Marketing Association & Center for CSR Development’, supported by the Black Sea NGO Forum. The project aims to improve the capacities of NGOs, companies, and academics in the Black Sea countries in the areas of CSR and Sustainable Development Goals. An online survey will be conducted to conduct CSR case analysis in each partner institution’s country and other Black Sea countries, the private sector, and civil society. The study printouts will be used to prepare the ‘Online CSR 101 Guide’. The online CSR 101 Guide is ‘What is a CSR and how should it be improved?’ to raise awareness of all stakeholders, especially private and civil society. A ‘CSR Black Sea Catalog’ will be formed, which contains good examples of the CSR and SDG areas, as a result of talks with NGOs and private sector representatives in partner countries and other countries in the Black Sea region. Finally, ‘Online CSR Webinars’ will be organized, where representatives of civil society and private sectors from different countries will be included as speakers. Seminars will be held in the areas of CSR, SDG, Circular Economy, volunteering, Human Rights at work, the future of the Job. Through the activities of the Project ‘Accelerating Corporate Social Responsibility in the Black Sea Region’, a strong link will be established between the project partners. It will help raise awareness, develop capacity, and build a platform between partner countries in the CSR and SKA areas. Joint CSR projects will be developed through the platform and new areas of cooperation for sustainable development of the Black Sea region will be developed. The activity is part of the project “Development of NGO capacity for Regional Co-operation in the Black Sea Region”, implemented by the Romanian NGDO Platform – fonD and financed by the European Union for the next three years from January 2019 to December 2021.