Responsible Cities Conference

Responsible Cities Conference was held at Kadir Has University Istanbul on 27th May 2015. The conference was supported by Istanbul Governor, United Cities and Local Governments Middle East and West Asia Regional Organisation (UCLG-MEWA), the Foundation of the World Academy of Local Government and Democracy (WALD), Kadir Has University, Corporate Social Responsibility Association of Turkey (CSR Turkey) and Corporate Social Responsibility Europe (CSR Europe). For the programme please click here. For the Responsible Cities Initiative please click here.      

Give and Gain Employee Volunteering Week 2015

Give and Gain Employee Volunteering Week was held between 02-10 May 2015 in Turkey. Give and Gain Week aims to assess the needs of the community as a volunteer with the cooperation of the private sector and non-governmental organizations. Companies; Boyner Holding, Canon Eurasia, Cargill Foods, Ford Otosan, GlaxoSmithKline, ING Bank, Starlet, TEI and Viko participated the event.

7th Civil Society Days

Corporate Social Responsibility Association of Turkey and its strategic partner Kadir Has University organized the 7th Civil Society Days at Kadir Has University, Istanbul on 14 May 2014. The event performed with cooperation of the Educational Volunteers Foundation of Turkey under the Nirun Sahingiray International Forum. As part of the Civil Society Days, expert in various fields came together and discussed the issue of evaluation and assessment in the non-profit sector. Serdar Dinler as the president of Corporate Social Responsibility Association, shared his views about civil society’s future.

Future of the Education will be Multi-Shareholder (Demo)

Corporate Social Responsibility Association of Turkey and Future Agenda, a UK based organization, hosted “Future of the Education” workshop on May 13 at Kadir Has University Cibali Campus. Civil society organizations, academics and company representatives shared their ideas and they presented their views about how educational system will affect business and working life in the future at the workshop . “Coaching” issue is among the topics featured at the conference; its for students to become better thinkers and decision makers. In the determination of education strategy, “companies, civil society, teachers, parents and students” will more arbiter in the future. Please click here to see “Future of the Education Workshop Report”.

“Future is in Tourism” Capacity Building Seminars (Demo)

Our corporate member Anadolu Efes, was held “Capacity Building Seminar” in collaboration with T.C. Culture and Tourism Ministry and UNDP in ten provinces; Eskişehir, Ankara, Adana, Antalya, Trabzon, Edirne, Diyarbakır, Konya, Van and Kars. From public, civil society organizations, private sector and university representatives was attended in this seminars. For more information please click 

Corporate Social Responsibility Project Continues For Entrepreneurs in East and Southeast Region of Turkey (Demo)

    Corporate Social Responsibility Project for Entrepreneurs in East and Southeast Region of Turkey” is a project supported by the Royal Dutch and carried out by Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation (TURKONFED) for which Corporate Social Responsibility Association of Turkey  actively helped in the preparation of Turkish and Kurdish CSR Regional Outlook Reports with a series of  meetings in Mardin, Diyarbakır and Van where we explained what CSR is with participation of our stakeholders.

Press Bulletin About Education Report (Demo)

Corporate Social Responsibility practices in the field of education increases the competitiveness; Education report was announced. Researches show that corporations with qualified work force have 30 % higher brand and market value as compared to their competitors. The report aims to advice and consult companies for their CSR practices on education field. To download the report

Give and Gain Employee Volunteering Day (Demo)

Give and Gain Employee Volunteering Day will take place on May 2015. In line with the needs of community, Give&Gain event aims to bring corporate employees and civil society together via sharing experiences, abilities and know how. Please click to download GG 2015 Information Notes.

CSR In Islam (Demo)

The event was held for the first time in İstanbul in Kadir Has University, organized by CSR Turkey, Holling Center for international dialogue and The Kadir Has University. The CSR in Islam event was bringing together representatives from business, civil society, organizations, academia, the public sector, media and other key stakeholders. We want to submit, economic models of different Muslim-majority countries and their networks between Europe and United States. Panelists from different countries at the conference highlighted the onion that CSR activities are not an option but a requirement in Islamic economy. This conference organizing committee aimed to pave the way for sustainable development in different perspectives between different other countries and creating a strong connection with cultures and religions.